the billionaire is still a waiting corpse
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
the dark of night,
the blanketing of stars--
a simple theatre.
deep and infinite.

if peace is what you seek,
you will find it not on this plane of existence.

corners become
stomping your solace,
without knowing,
without caring.

they spraypaint a smile over their core,
their fatigue.
a chemical reaction,
a lie.
void of ugly honesty.

[we find the most creative ways to fill the plots]


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proletariot complacent: random pieces of matter IV
syndicated flatline genome
night sky mainline
fresh water for rotting flowers
aristo-crash: the seasons.
proletariot triumphant: random pieces of matter III
straight ahead standard
the leak of bessemer trust
tears of a hypocrite
coin operated consciousness